E03: Surreal Snowboarding & Saving the Planet with Maria Kuzma

by Apr 12, 2021

Check out Episode 3 as I catch up with Pro Freerider, Environmental Architect, and all round super hero, the ridiculously talented, Maria Kuzma

Maria Audiogram by That Seasonaire Podcast

Taking a break from filming the all female snowboard movie Surreal Snowboarding, Maria came in to tell us how her first ski season working as a Cross Country Ski Instructor led her to a career in competitive Freeriding & achieving her Masters Degree in Architecture

As well as running us through her experience as a Seasonaire, Maria recounts her time competing in the Freeride World Tour, shares her terrifying avalanche encounters, and gives advice to anyone heading for the backcountry

Taking the decision to dedicate her career to Environmental Architecture, Maria describes how the pandemic gave her a different perspective.  Maria gives us the lowdown on her innovative projects Recycle + Build and NuCycle, and how her action sports sponsors Thule are raising the bar and taking the lead pushing forward thinking, sustainable ideas from plans to reality

Listen right to the end of the show to hear how meditation and Wim Hof techniques have helped push Maria out of her comfort zone with incredible results for her body, mind and overall success, and stay tuned for Maria’s tips, tricks and insights for those who are looking to take the next step in their journey

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